Registration Form

  • Camper's Information

    The Following information is about the person who will be attending the camp.
  • Input the name of the camper who will be attending.
  • Input the date of birth of the camper
    Select one
    Select which weeks the camper will be attending.
    Select whether the camper will be staying in the dorms or not.
  • Camper's Phone Info...

    The Following information is about the person who will be attending the camp.
  • Camper's Event & School Info...

    The Following information is about the person who will be attending the camp.
  • Input the event of the camper. Separate with a comma if more than one.
  • Input the name of the camper's school.
  • Input the camper's school address
  • Parent or Guardian

    Parent or Guardian information
  • Fill in a valid email address. Will be used for communication and bill payment.
  • Registration Fee is non-refundable.

    If you would like to pay your camp fee here, Select how many weeks your camper will be attending. It is recommended that you attend all weeks to receive maximum benefit from the camp. All fees are quoted in US Dollars

  • $0.00
    By clicking submit, you agree that the above information is accurate to the best of your knowledge and, you understand that the registration fee of $25 USD is non-refundable. All Payments are handled by Paypal.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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